FC Helsingør svarer igen på fan-kritik

Foto: www.sportsfoto.clausbirch.dk

Af Dennis Hynnecke

FC Helsingør svarer nu igen på den fan-kritik fra Kronborgs Drenge man tirsdag kunne læse her på Cementen. Klubbens Administrator Jim Kirks, der den seneste tid har opholdt sig uden for landets grænser, har følgende kommentar, som Cementen modtog pr. mail tirsdag aften.


Club response

I am sorry to hear that some fans feel like there is a lack of communication from the club.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion; however, I would not agree.  It is true we had reached out in the summer and chatted with fans and fan groups. I felt those conversations were constructive. I have answer several emails and phone calls regarding the fan club.  I guess I was a bit surprised by the banner on Friday night. I am an approachable guy, and I am always game for a chat about the club.

The atmosphere in the stadium is fantastic, and I know that the players feed off that energy. I have talked to people all over Denmark and the world who complement our home environment. It is important to me that our fans have a voice and feel part of FC Helsingør.

I want you all to be aware that the club is currently in a rebuilding phase. We spent the summer working on getting the sporting side sorted out and ready to win games. Over the last couple of months, we have been focused internally on the Administrative side of the club.  We are reorganizing the club to run more efficiently. We are small staff with many tasks but with one goal in mind, winning games, and we cannot do it without you, the fans, and your support.

Please remember that my door and email or always open for fans of the club.  Feel free to drop me a line or talk to me in person the next time you see me.

Jim Kirks


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